Offering A Ray Of Hope
Sunset Support Services is a Human Services organization who provides services and supports to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Our team strives to help our residents with living everyday lives. The agency's program consists of residential homes and an adult training facility where many programs are provided to the specific needs and wants of each unique individual.

Services Offered
Residential Rehabilitation
Residential Habilitation services are direct and indirect services provided to participants who live in licensed residential settings. This service is built on the principle that every participant has the capacity to engage in lifelong learning. As such, through the provision of this service, participants will acquire, maintain, or improve skills necessary to live in the community, to live more independently, and to participate meaningfully in community life. To the extent that Residential Habilitation is provided in community settings outside of the residence, the settings must be inclusive rather than segregated.
Community Participation Supports
Community Participation Support provides opportunities and support for community inclusion and building interest in and developing skills and potential for competitive integrated employment. Services should result in active, valued participation in a broad range of integrated activities that build on the participant's interests, preferences, gifts, and strengths while reflecting his or her desired outcomes related to employment, community involvement and membership. To achieve this, each participant must be offered opportunities and needed support to participate in community activities that are consistent with the individual’s preferences, choices and interests.
Behavior Support
A direct and indirect service that includes a comprehensive assessment, the development of strategies to support the participant based upon the assessment, and the provision of interventions and training to participants, staff, parents and caregivers. Services must be required to meet the current needs of the participant, as documented and authorized in the service plan.
Planning for Success
Training & Education
In everything we do at Sunset Support Services, we encourage residents to grow to their maximum potential. The foundation of this philosophy is based on Sunset Support Services resident’s ISP, or Individual Service Plan for the residents Developed as a collaboration between the resident, staff, and family, the ISP evaluates where a resident is and creates resident-driven goals. Through person center training, including training opportunities, therapy, life skills, recreational activities, and, when possible, employment, the ISP then plots a solid course toward achieving the resident’s goals.
Personal Enrichment
Changing lives through Person Centered Training.
Making Choices & Making A Plan
Each resident is central in the development of his or her plan’s development, and the goals are things that they themselves wish to accomplish, such as losing weight, or learning to cook. Each ISP is unique and is reviewed and modified by the resident, staff, and family at least once a year, more frequently if warranted.
The Individual Service Plan
Upon admission and then annually, a team of care providers and trainers evaluates each resident’s abilities in various areas using the PCT Assessment Instrument. Sunset Support residents will apply advanced academic, educational, and performance-based training concepts. The results of the assessment serve as the foundation for the development of an Individual Service Plan (ISP) for each resident.
Creating The Individual Service Plan
Staff and family members provide guidance and support, but the resident’s involvement in his or her plan is crucial to the overall process. Staff help each resident identify, understand and discuss his or her strengths and opportunities for improvement. The staff then assists the resident in developing specific goals and understanding milestones to be met in a specific time period. The resident’s active participation, endorsement of, and agreement with the ISP goals and objectives are essential concepts of Person Centered Training.
Putting The ISP To Work
Each resident will have the staff to track his or her progress against the Individual Service Plan and with him or her one-on-one to meet goals and overcome challenges. Additionally, multiple staff members are aware of a resident’s unique goals and regularly encourage him or her to stay focused and to remember the benefits of achieving individual goals.
Life Skills
Skills for Life
From tips on grooming, to market math—residents receive a variety of life-skill-based training. Sunset Support Services offers training in shopping, cooking, money management and healthy eating choices and much more. The goal of Life Skills training is to enable residents to reach the highest level of personal independence possible in their daily routines.
Academic Skills
Combining reading and math into one training session helps residents develop practical skills that enable them to function more independently. The basic concept is to learn to apply reading and math skills to real world situations. So instead of learning addition, subtraction or division as pure skills, residents learn how to apply math skills to shopping situations. Strengthening reading skills helps residents better understand the written communications of everyday life, such as product labels.
Leisure Training
Staff at Sunset Support Services work with the training and education staff to determine the leisure training needs and interests of each resident. They consult the resident’s annual Individual Service Plan (ISP) and then devise a schedule that keeps each resident moving toward the goals expressed in his/her plan. Leisure training is a vital part of the training offered at Sunset Support Services. Whether residents walk, bike, garden or play sports, the general idea is to encourage them to learn to use their leisure time to improve overall health, vitality and enjoyment of life.
Sunset Support Services provides many opportunities for Sports and Exercise Training. Examples of these activies include: Cardiovascular exercise, Softball, Swimming, Bowling, Basketball, Walking, and Dance.